Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Apple Party

Dear Parents,

Our class will be having an apple tasting party on Thursday 9-29-2016 at 1:30. During our party we will be sampling many different apple treats to celebrate the culmination of our apple unit. In order to make our apple party the best (and tastiest)party ever, I need your help! Please send in items if you can by this Thursday. Your help is appreciated! Thank you!!

 Apple Treats Needed
1 box of apple cereal
apple muffins
apple juice boxes
1 container of caramel dip
1 bag of apple chips
24 individual containers of apple sauce
1 jar of apple butter

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 19-22

Hello Neuse Families!

Thank you so much for your patience in regards to progress reports. They should have all been sent home today in their daily OWL binder. I have started to meet with parents for our conferences this week so if you have not signed up yet please refer to the email sent by sign-up genius. We only have 20 minutes in between meetings so please come ready to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Please also remember to check in the office before you come into the classroom.

Just a reminder- when we have a short week like this week, I will not send home spelling words. They still have their weekly homework but they do not have spelling words. I will send home their new words along with their sight word list on Thursday.

Next week on September 29, we are going to have an Apple Tasting Party! Starting tomorrow we are staring our apple unit  and exploring with our 5 senses. I would love to have as many apple products to share in the classroom for our party!  The tasting party will start at 1:30 after recess. I would like to have some parent volunteers to help set up during recess and to help with the taste test when we come back in.  I am sending home a parent letter asking for donations and help. Please look forward to that in their daily OWL binder. I haven't told my students yet so I can't wait to see their excitement!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Atkisson

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 12-16

Hello Neuse Families!

I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. I have added a new button to my blog labeled Weekly Story.  Please look through and see what our story for the week will focus on. I have also added to the Spotlight on Learning tab. This will be updated weekly with information that covers what we will be working on for the week.

I have set up a sign-up genius for parent conferences that will begin next week. Please choose one that is most convenient for your family. I will go over information regarding their assessments as well as group placement. If you have any questions, please have them ready so we may cover them during the conference. I am allotting 20 minutes per conference in order to see as many families as I can.

Many of you have shown interest in coming in to help for centers. My centers are not run like the centers they had last year in Kindergarten. We ultimately want each student to work independently and productively at each center so the first few weeks it is simply management that we are working on. If you would like to volunteer it will be to walk around and offer assistance to any student that needs help at their center. I was going to add a sign up genius for this but I think I could manage without it. I need at least one parent per day from 11:30-12:30. These will be for my math centers. Please email me if you would like to help out. These are held Tuesday-Thursday. Thank you to the parents that have offered to come in and help. It is greatly appreciated!

A few reminders:

*  Field trip forms and payment are due tomorrow, Monday 12th
*  Please continue to send your child with a sweater as it is VERY cold in my classroom.
*  Continue to sign the behavior chart daily- I have several students that have not had it signed
*  I hope many of you are working on the 100 book challenge that was in your welcome packet. I will begin sending books home shortly and these will definitely count towards their goal.

We are in need of some items in our classroom. If you are able to donate any items, we would greatly appreciate it!

- balls for recess
- play-dough for our Word Work centers
- spoons
- forks
- napkins
- construction paper
- colored paper (yellow, green, or blue)

** Many parents are finding it difficult to keep track of my blog. I will be sending a copy of my weekly updates via email as well for those that find it easier. **

Thank you so much and I hope you have a fabulous week!

Mrs. Atkisson

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 6-9, 2016

Hello Neuse Families!

I hope you had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend! All of my students came back refreshed and ready to learn which always makes for a happy teacher. Usually during a holiday (if we have one or more days off) I will not give spelling homework or math homework. This is due to the nature of needing to have a full four days worth of practice at home and at school before they take a test. They will just keep working on their fluency and sight words which are always kept in their notebook. 

This is the last week that we will all stay on the same list (List 1 and 2) before we start to break up our lists for groups. I will be sending out two sign up genius lists this weekend. One is for parent conferences and the other is for parent help during our centers.

Here are some quick updates and information:

* Please make sure that you turn in the payment for the field trip along with all of the forms. These are due on Monday.

* Yesterday Monday folders were sent home. I did not take out the papers that needed to be graded so if you took them out yesterday, can you please return them to school and then I will send them back.

* If you send in money in the Money Pouch, please make sure you write a note stating what it is for. We have had money sent in without any information and it is sent back home.

*Please make sure to send in your student with a sweater for my classroom. It feels like the arctic in here!

*Technology is looking for some parent volunteers during specials class. It is very difficult, especially for first grade, to be able to help all the students when so many are still needing help. If you can lend a hand, please feel free to email Mrs. Jenkins.

*Upcoming important Dates*
 September 12, 2016- Picture Day
September 19, 2016 - Scholastic orders are due. Please log in for faster payment. 
September 30, 2016 - Field trip
November 22, 2016- Thanksgiving Program (more information to follow when we get closer to the date)